Who do you listen to

Are the voices inside your head your own?

I hope the answer to this is yourself but even that is worth exploring.

Headphones on a bag

In a World of constant information 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year we are constantly bombarded by information, voices and images. You may think that your thoughts and actions are that of your own making but if you really take a step back and start tracing each thought to its source you may find that many of your things you do, not only in the health and wellness space, have been told to you at some stage of your life. 

We could spend hours diving into each and every thought and try to trace it back to its source but for this article let’s focus on where you are currently at in your life. Let’s explore your health and wellness and what that means to you. It is so easy to get caught in the trap of social media and trying on each and every fad diet, new bio-hack and exercise routine for a week or more in hopes the claims will transform your life but sadly most let go and get frustrated because it just isn’t “right” for them. In my opinion the biggest problem here is that most people out there are really looking for the quick fix and magic pill without even considering if this is something that they really even want to do. Let’s take the Keto diet, this is probably the most popular of what has been known to be a fad diet but in fact is something that has been used therapeutically for over fifty years in a clinical setting. The thing here is listening to the experts and hearing what it is you want to hear whether it’s fat loss, less brain fog, increased energy or whatever the case may be.

We hear and see all the silver linings but forget to factor in ALL the work that goes into these dietary and lifestyle shifts. 

This is where I ask you to check-in. Go underneath all the superficial claims you hear out there and find within yourself what is most important for you to explore. Many go through an entire lifetime never really questioning anything or anyone, rather accepting that things that “experts” say are just the way things are supposed to be regardless if you have a feeling that it just might not be what you want or need to do. 

You will often hear people labeled as a conspirator, on the fringe or an outside because they make choices to look at things deeper. I feel this is unfair for those who truly have a deep curiosity for all things of, and maybe not of, this World. This is unfortunately even more the case for those who start exploring alternative treatments for what ails them in their health journey, opting for a more holistic approach versus the conventional approach which includes pharmaceutical interventions. health. There should be informed consent and choices made where you can accept, and understand, what it is you are doing and the possibilities surrounding that choice. 

My path to peace has taken me down a difficult road starting to really explore all the voices I hear in my head. Some of them are easy to identify and even easier to manage or dismiss BUT some are so deep rooted that it takes a lot of effort and compassion just to find that hallway, locate that door and attempt to open it and see what, or who, is on the other side. It is scary but empowering and exciting to have the chance to do this work and really get to pull back the curtain and find who is pulling the strings. 

In the health and wellness space I feel there are plenty of people out there that have great intentions and messages but as we have been talking about here, making sure to really connect with yourself and make sure what it is you are hearing aligns with who you are and the goals you have. At the end of the day anything you start you can stop at any point but things that you are really curious about including dietary changes, new movement and exercise routines, sleep hygiene, stress management and building out a community all will involve a commitment of time and patience. This is where tapping into your inner self and the drive behind what it is you are attempting to do is crucial. Locating the why and finding the purpose with an understanding and an experimental mindset that not all things are meant for all people. 

I say this quite often, I feel there are a million people saying the same message a million different ways. This is why I challenge you to explore what people are saying and how it feels when you make it your own thoughts and words.

Are you ready?