
Welcome to my shop! All of the products and companies below I have, and continue, to use. I am a firm believer in complimentary interventions to help us on our health journey. We often require varied supplements at different times with all of the environmental factors we encounter on a daily basis. Take a look around and do not hesitate if you have any questions to reach out to me directly! Happy Shopping!

Restore U Well Logo

Heavy Metal Detox


TRS Bottle

My health journey began about three and a half years ago.  I cleaning up my diet and lifestyle while diving into the research. I realized that no matter how careful I was,  I am exposed to so many environmental toxins.  These toxins are found in our food, water, air we breathe, body care and household cleaning products, medicines we use and the list goes on. This realization was quite overwhelming, I was already taking steps to do my best to detox a lifetime of exposure but I knew that was not going to be enough. A dear friend introduced me to Advanced TRS and I have not looked back. I have been using this for over two years and it is one of my major tools on my belt to help me maintain my health while helping to remove toxins that are impossible to avoid.

Follow this link and check out the Coseva homepage. Coseva has developed several products. Let’s dive in and explore what one will suit your needs. My personal experience is with Advanced TRS, which one will support your health goals? If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at

Supplement Dispensary

I have used Fullscript for years now and they have an extensive catalog with fully vetted supplement companis. Consulting with your physician prior to making any dietary shifts, including adding in supplements, is stronlgy advised. Supplements can play a major role in our health journey and being aware of what you are taking and the possible outcomes can help to determine that proper supplment for you. You may have to experiments with certain brands and dosages based on on your practitioners recommendations. Just like shifting diet incorporating a new supplment into your diet may take some time to see any benefit.   So what are you waiting for?
Get shopping 😊

At any point, if you need help navigating the website or finding a product do not hesitate to contact me directly at and put in subject line either Wellevate and/or Fullscript and I will do my best to find you the answers you seek!


Handcrafted protocols made by our Medical Advisory team, which you can share with patients.

  • Ability to mass share protocols with all patients or selected patients (the choice is yours!)
  • Dosage tool was made with practitioners for practitioners 
  • Offer autoship to our patients 
  • Coding for personal website/templates for social media 
  • Easy to reach customer service team
  • Easily accessible order history page
  • Shipping free over $50 subtotals 
Exclusive Brands:
  • Biotics Research
  • Apex Energetics

Gut Health


The buzzword you have all heard is Microbiome. What is that? We are comprised. To put it in perspective there are approximately 39 trillion microbes consisting of bacteria, fungi and many other organisms that reside in your body. These microbes outnumber human cells by 10:1.  A vast majority of these reside in our gut but more science continues to discover that these micro-organisms are located throughout our body and responsible for many functions necessary for us to thrive. What better support than a product called SEED. This revolutionary product has paved the way to provide our bodies with the balance it needs in order to tend to our garden. As an affiliate and a consumer, I am so thrilled to be able to offer this and speak to it. I have been using SEED cyclically now for over 3 years and my garden is flourishing! By choosing to embark on the micro journey you are supporting my dream of providing methods for people to regain their health. As an affiliate, I am able to create a residual income stream that allows me to educate and create more opportunities to support all those in need! Let’s tend to that garden and plant some SEEDs 😊

The website is loaded with tons of information and resources but do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and if I cannot answer I will do my best to find you the answer! You can email me directly at and in the subject put the word SEEED.

You have 2 ways to purchase,  you can either visit and create your account and enter code RESTOREUWELL at checkout to receive 15% of your first order 


Click on the SEED picture above to access my personal  link to receive 15% off your first order.