About Me

Well, here I am 45 years old sitting on a train heading home from an evening of drinking and getting together with a friend from out of town. I am feeling the same way I have felt hundreds of times, no exaggeration; disappointed, disgusted, tired, hungover, sad, angry, frustrated… but I think you get the point. I say to myself, “That’s it, I am done.” The difference is, this time I really meant it.

For approximately 25 years I led a life of overindulgence; excessive drinking, overeating, poor sleep due to former, along with little to no stress management. Being reliant on over-the-counter meds to get me through my day(s) was ‘normal’. I was fortunate to never be formally diagnosed with any major chronic illness, but let me tell you, I definitely did not feel good. I had to manage daily/monthly a cascade of symptoms ranging from GI distress (diarrhea/running to the bathroom), anxiety/depression, headaches/hangovers, body aches/joint pain, brain fog along with catching every seasonal cold/flu each year.

I was SICK of being sick! I could not accept that this is the way I was supposed to feel as a part of ageing or whatever anyone has ever told me before. I took it upon myself to take my health into my own hands and embrace the changes necessary to feel better.

Something had to give. It started with making the choice to stop drinking. That had seemed to play a major role in many of my poorer decisions related to diet and lifestyle choices. From there I found strategies to live a life of moderation and balance.

Fast forward to today, I feel amazing. I take Zero medications, sleep awesomely, have great energy and my emotional state could not be better.


As an ADAPT certified Functional Health Coach and certified Nutrition Consultant, let me help you  explore what your plan looks like. We will dive deep into finding what truly serves you; finding balance through moderation and acceptance. Creating a plan that you can get behind, not just in the short term, but a lifestyle and mindset shift that will allow you to live the life of which you have always dreamed. 

Let’s pause here. You may be saying to yourself “Wait a minute, I do moderate my food and alcohol” so what do I need a health coach for? I clearly did not do well with my excessive behaviors, so I made a complete 180. But maybe you just need to make a few tweaks in order to optimize your  health. This is not an all or nothing approach. We are all unique and bio-individual. What I had to change and what you may want to change are going to look completely different but, if the end result is you feeling better, physically and mentally, then ask yourself; “Is this what I want”?

My way is not ‘the way.’ We all have a way that works for us. Many of us continue to go down a path of tolerance and acceptance of our current situation. I am here to help you find the path the leads you to a place where you can feel at your best: Your life, Your plan!

Join me on this journey into exploring your needs: What is truly important to you and the steps to take in order to optimize your health!

Andrew Burr

Your life, Your plan!

You are You: what works for others may not work for you. Find Your path, create Your plan and make it Yours!

What are my clients saying?

Andrew is a health coach who will help you feel prepared, so you will not give up when things become difficult. He will explain things clearly, breaking things down to allow you to see yourself accomplishing your goals, allowing you to move past the areas you feel stuck in. Andrew will walk alongside you and remind you of the reason that you personally want to achieve what you're working on. He will help you make time in an already busy life, to create the time, space and attention, to keep yourself accountable- to your best health/life. Andrew listens with compassion and when needed believes in you until you can fully believe in yourself. He will work tirelessly beside you, ensuring you stay in the game and do the work necessary.  Working with Andrew brings you one step closer to your goals. I am so grateful to have worked with Andrew.
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Shirley P.
As a fellow coach, I highly recommend working with Andrew if you’re looking for skilled, structured & compassionate guidance in upleveling your coaching skills and growing your confidence in your skillset. After struggling for months to secure my Practical Skills Assessment for certification, Andrew helped me get through some challenges I kept bumping up against & refine my approach to coaching conversations. Within ONE WEEK of working with him for about 4 hours, I finally secured my PSA. He understands the framework for coaching conversations thoroughly and how each competency can show up in the flow of a conversation. He helped break down each part of the framework in a way that better clarified & simplified how to use the competencies in support of clients success. Huge THANKS to you, Andrew!
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Rosemary B. 43 Personal Training Portland OR